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Frequently Asked Questions
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  • What problem or need does the Eva Sophia Project solve?
    The market need that Eva Sophia Project is designed to address is substantial and increasing. There are far more adult residents of Minnesota with developmental disabilities (DD) than there are safe, supportive, and affordable residential settings - designed to accommodate their needs and wants throughout their lifespans.
  • What are some statistics on adults with DD, their living situations, and caregivers?
    There were 132,216 people with DD in the State of Minnesota, according to the Long-Term Supports and Services for Individuals with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities: Status and Trends Through Fiscal Year 2019. This report was published in December 2022 by the Residential Information Systems Project (RISP) of the University of Minnesota. Of that 132,216 total, 34,262 were 18 years of age or older. And 64% percent of that total live with a family caregiver. Only 10.3% live in a home of their own. A concerning 24% of adults with DD in Minnesota are being supported by caregivers aged 60 and older as of fiscal year 2019, according to the State of the States in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. This is a report produced by the Kansas University Center on Developmental Disabilities. This demographic can be considered at-risk due to the fact the caregivers may soon need caregiving for themselves.
  • Why do we believe that the Eva Sophia Project can be successful?
    Eva Sophia Project’s residential setting plans to offer an attractive solution for adults with DD and families that is unique to the region. The for-sale model means Eva Sophia Project will not be completely dependent on fundraising to build and operate its residential setting, but in fact is designed to be financially self-sustaining once fully occupied.
  • Why is it important to build and operate the Eva Sophia Project now?
    The need of the population Eva Sophia Project plans to serve for this type of supportive housing continues to grow. There are far more adult residents of Minnesota who have developmental disabilities (DD) than safe, supportive, and affordable residential settings designed to accommodate their needs and wants throughout their lifespan. Of the 132,216 people who have DD in the State of Minnesota, 24 percent live with caregivers aged 60 or older who themselves may need supportive settings in the next decade. Gone are the days when individuals who have DD had to live with family most of their lives. They want more out of life and to grow to be independent.
  • How does the Eva Sophia Project solve the problem or need?
    Eva Sophia Project plans to address the need for safe, supportive, and affordable residences for adults with developmental disabilities (DD) around the Waconia, Minnesota area with a sustainable mixed-use intentional community model. The model can be replicated across the state of Minnesota. It will incorporate best practices for living environments for adults with DD who have a range of abilities and disabilities that have been pioneered by other intentional communities for adults with DD in Minnesota and across the U.S.
  • What is the mixed-use intentional community model for the Eva Sophia Project?
    The replicable and sustainable mixed-use model includes a for-sale residence structure which will provide permanence to families and adults who have DD. At the same time, the for-sale model enables a capitalization approach that results in the community getting built and becoming operationally debt-free faster. The setting size for up to 100 adults is large enough to generate revenues to support its operational funding needs, but small enough to be located near day programs, employment, retail, dining, services, medical, and recreational options. The for-sale model is relatively new to the market for supportive housing for adults who have DD. It first appeared in April 2017 at Luna Azul in North Phoenix, Arizona, but several projects in development in Arizona, Indiana, Iowa, Texas, and Wisconsin have adopted and are being developed with that model.
  • Why should potential outside supporters get involved with the Eva Sophia Project now?
    Eva Sophia Project will be an innovative, replicable, self-sustainable model that can be deployed across the State of Minnesota and nationally. Individuals, foundations, and corporations interested in our vision and model have an opportunity to help us bring a compelling solution to market in the next few years.
  • What sets the Eva Sophia Project apart from other organizations with similar missions?
    The Project believes the planned residential model, scope of programming, and inclusion of all community members with developmental disabilities (DD) sets Eva Sophia community apart from other organizations in Minnesota. The Project is one of the first communities in Minnesota to develop for-sale housing as well as rental housing for adults with DD. Home ownership is the American Dream and our for-sale cottage-style homes will provide permanence for adults with DD and their families. It also will create a vehicle to build equity and financial security for adults with DD after their families are no longer around.
  • Is there a social impact aspect to Eva Sophia Project?
    Eva Sophia Project is designed to produce a social impact locally and nationally in several measurable and meaningful ways. The Project directly addresses one of the most significant barriers facing adults with DD in becoming full members of society. The Project plans to make permanent, safe, and supportive housing available and affordable to adults whose primary sources of income are Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), also known as food stamps.
  • Will residences have full kitchens?
    Yes, fully adaptable kitchens are part of the plan for every residence based on the abilities of the residents. Some may be very capable with range tops, ovens, and microwaves. For those who aren’t capable or are still developing the skills to operate them safely, modular counter/cabinet units are planned to be substituted in place of the range/oven.
  • What appliances will be in each home, and what appliances can I bring and use in my home?
    Each home should be equiped with a washer/dryer, full-size refrigerator, range/oven, microwave, water heater, and HVAC system. Residents may bring a toaster, toaster/oven, coffee maker, blender, and other similar countertop appliances
  • Will each bedroom have private or shared bathrooms?
    Each bedroom is planned to have its own private bathroom.
  • Will families be able to purchase units and live in the setting either in the same home with their son or daughter, or in a separate home near them?
    The vision is to promote independent living as much as possible. Families are encouraged to plan for their sons and daughters to live separately from them. Because the Eva Sophia Project is planned as a neurodiverse community, the opportunity exists for some families purchasing a home for their adult child and another for themselves in the community. The plan is to counsel families to understand that the sooner they begin preparing their adult children to live without the support of their parents, the better prepared they will be when the inevitable day comes that the parents are no longer around.
  • Will there be a meal service or meal plan for residents of the Eva Sophia Project community, or will they be responsible for some or all of their own meals?
    It is expected that there will be some form of communal dining, but options and plans are still being evaluated with self-advocates and their families. More information will be disclosed as it becomes available.
  • What is the origin of, or story behind, the name “Eva Sophia Project?”
    The Eva Sophia Project was inspired by two young adult women - Eva and Sophia - who met in the fifth grade and have grown closer every year since, sharing their mutual love for hiking, kayaking, photography, Special Olympics, and being their best selves together. They also share intellectual and developmental disabilities and a desire to live in a safe, supportive neighborhood they can call their own with other adults with and without disabilities.
  • How are the voices of adults with DD being authentically included in the planning?
    Adults with developmental disabilities (DD) are involved and included in the planning, building, and management of our project. They are telling Eva Sophia Project what they want to be built and how to manage it. The project has been conducting focus groups and feasibility sessions with families and will also be forming a Resident Advisory Council. As the project matures, the plan is to add a few self-advocates and/or full voting member spots on our board of directors.
  • How will the Eva Sophia Project determine who will be able to live successfully in its community?
    An evidence-based admissions process is part of the planned design to determine who the Eva Sophia Project believes can be successful in the community.
  • Who can live successfully in the Eva Sophia Project Community?
    The Project believes adults or individuals ages 18 and older with developmental disabilities (DD) who meet the requirements of the evidence-based admissions process will live successfully in this pocket community. Use of this process is planned to determine who we believe can be successful in our residences. The expectation is there can be a range of abilities, support needs, and mobilities. Even though an adult with DD may not be able to live independently, they could still be a fit with The Project's residential setting. Residents will need to be able to communicate their wants and needs whether verbal, nonverbal, or through assistive or augmentative communications (AAC) devices. Residents and their families will be required to demonstrate that they have a sustained ability to pay for housing, programs and community fees (as applicable), and utilities - and have in place the necessary supports.
  • Who may not be able to live successfully in the Eva Sophia Project Community?
    Because the first priority is safety, The Project does not believe that adults with DD whose behaviors make them an unmanageable risk to the safety and security of themselves, other residents, staff, guests, or property will be able to live successfully in the community. The Project does not plan to be a skilled nursing or long-term care facility. Individuals with DD who are medically fragile or require periodic skilled nursing may be able to live successfully in the community, though this will need to be determined on a case-by-case basis.
  • How will the Eva Sophia Project contribute to the mental health and emotional well-being of adults with DD?
    There is a prevalence among adults with DD to suffer from isolation and loneliness, lack of friendships outside of paid caregivers, food and housing insecurity, and lack of access to appropriate health and mental health resources. This is often acute and difficult to solve. Eva Sophia Project is designed as an intentional community designed to be permanent, safe, supportive, and affordable. But more than that, the plan is a community in which up to 100 adults with and without developmental and intellectual disabilities can socialize, build friendships, share experiences, and support each other. Knowing that a friend is just a few doors away can encourage many to leave their residences to spend time with others. The staff and volunteers can help facilitate friendships, provide opportunities out in the community, and organize community activities for residents and their guests as well as families and volunteers.
  • Will only adults with DD live at the Eva Sophia Project? How many will live there?
    Eva Sophia Project is planned as a neurodiverse setting for up to 100 adults both with and without developmental disabilities. The Project is designed with a goal of no less than 80% of the residents as adults with DD.
  • Will couples who have DD be allowed to live at Eva Sophia Project?
    Yes, The Project plans to allow a legally married couple to live at Eva Sophia Project.
  • Will residents be allowed to have pets?
    Yes. The plan includes resident choice to have companion animal pets.
  • How many residents can occupy a home or a bedroom?
    The plan is to allow for one person per bedroom. A legally married couple would be allowed to share a bedroom.
  • If we buy a unit and we have an open bedroom for someone to occupy, do we have to find a roommate? Does Eva Sophia Project or the State do that?
    Eva Sophia Project should have a list of names of Applicants who have expressed a desire to rent and have been approved through the Admissions process. It will be the responsibility of the Resident and Resident’s family to choose the renter. Neither the State of Minnesota or the Eva Sophia Project will be able to “place” anyone in your home.
  • Will this be a place I can only live a few years, or can I choose to live there my entire life?
    Residents can choose to live their entire lives in this community assuming that they remain financially, physically, and cognitively able to do so with appropriate supports.
  • Will there be Eva Sophia Project staff on-site 24/7, especially overnight, to ensure the security of the site and in case a Resident has an emergency?
    This is yet to be determined, if applicable.
  • Will families with parents who are not disabled who have young children (under 18) who may or may not be disabled be able to purchase a home and live there?
    The community is intended for adults, but The Project plans to evaluate these situations on a case-by-case basis.
  • We don’t live in the area. Will we be able to purchase a home in the Eva Sophia Project community?
    Yes, if the adult with an intellectual or developmental disability is accepted through the admissions process and has the supports and services in place to be able to live there successfully.
  • Will the Eva Sophia Project community give preference to local residents?
    No, the Project plans to consider Applicants and their families on a first-come basis. Any potential resident may be better prepared if they already have waiver funding from the state.
  • Under what circumstances would a Resident be asked or required to move out?
    A Resident Code of Conduct is planned to provide guidelines for appropriate conduct around other residents, staff, and visitors. If a Resident demonstrates behavior that presents an unmanageable risk to other residents, staff, and visitors, or to property that cannot be resolved, Eva Sophia Project may initiate a process for moving the Resident out of the community. Having a thorough Admissions process can help provide the opportunity for all Residents to live successfully in the community.
  • Will smoking be allowed in a designated smoking area?
    No. Smoking is not planned to be allowed within the community.
  • What would happen to the Eva Sophia Project and its residents if the Eva Sophia Project fails as a nonprofit?
    Every 501(c)(3) nonprofit recognized as a tax-exempt organization by the IRS is required to have a dissolution clause in its Bylaws that states that the organization would dissolve and transfer its assets to one or more 501(c)(3) nonprofits with similar missions. The conditions of that transfer likely would include continuing to operate Eva Sophia Project for its intended purpose.
  • What will a typical monthly budget for an adult with DD living at the Eva Sophia Project look like?
    That information is not available at this time. The goal is to make living in the community affordable to a wide range of adults and their families.
  • What happens if we purchase a residence but decide to sell it?
    The plan does not include residences being sold on the open market. It is planned instead to be a closed resale market. The Project would buy a residence back at a market-rate price basis stated in the original sales contract. It is desired that families have the opportunity get their original purchase amount and not be penalized for trying an option for their sons or daughters like the Eva Sophia Project community.
  • Will the residences at Eva Sophia Project be available on a for-sale or for-lease basis?
    The plan that most of the community residences will be for-sale homes. The Project may reserve a few of homes to be leased for adults to occupy on a transitional basis to determine if the Eva Sophia Project is a setting where they can be successful. Up to 12 available apartments are also planned above the community center.
  • How is the Eva Sophia Project going to pay to build the community?
    The Eva Sophia Project planned is to build with a combination of for-sale home proceeds, donations, grants, and in-kind contributions.
  • What will it cost to build the Eva Sophia Project Community?
    That information is not available at this time. Disclosure is planned at a later date.
  • How much will it cost to purchase a residence in the Eva Sophia Project Community?
    That information is not available at this time. Disclosure planned at a later date.
  • Will adult residents with DD be able to use Minnesota waiver funding (e.g. Developmental Disabilities Waiver) to pay for the supports and services they need?
    It is the current plan for adult residents with DD to use their Waiver to pay for supports and services so they can live as independently as possible at Eva Sophia Project. This plan is subject to working successfully with the Department of Human Services (DHS).
  • How will residents pay to live at the Eva Sophia Project?
    The expectation is for families to purchase the homes for their sons and daughters. Adult residents with DD will utilize Minnesota waiver funding or private pay to fund their daily support and services. They will utilize SSI or SSDI to pay for their daily living expenses such as utilities, entertainment, clothing, and sundries. We expect many also will utilize SNAP (food stamps) to pay for some of their food costs.
  • What is planned for family informational workshops?
    The Eva Sophia Project is aware that many families are overwhelmed trying to navigate local, state, and federal systems that benefit their loved ones. The Project plans to organize and present informational workshops in-person or online (or hybrid) initially on a quarterly basis. The content may developed by The Project or utilize community partners. Some of the topics include: · Governmental Benefits Planning · Guardianship and Less Restrictive Alternatives · SSI/SSDI and SNAP · Special Needs Trusts and ABLE accounts · Waivers
  • If two or more families wanted to go in together to purchase a home, could that work?
    Generally speaking, the families would need to each contribute to the purchase with cash. Lenders typically will not offer a split or fractional mortgage. The Project strongly encourages families considering such an option to structure the deal with the benefit of legal and tax guidance counsel.
  • Will there be an HOA or Community Fee, how could it be charged, and what could it pay for?
    Yes, this is planned. A community typically includes a monthly fee for common area expenses. Families that purchase homes from Eva Sophia Project would be purchasing the interiors of their homes. Eva Sophia Project plans to retain ownership of the exteriors and common areas. The Community Fee would be billed monthly to pay for the Community Managers, maintenance, utilities, property taxes on the common areas, insurance, etc.
  • Will I be able to use a Housing Choice Voucher to pay my rent if I am a renter?
    This option is being investigated. However, it would be the responsibility of the renter and renter’s family to work with the Housing Choice Voucher authority to obtain the voucher and it would be at the discretion of the renting party to accept the voucher.
  • What will be included in the integrated housing choices for people with and without DD?
    Eva Sophia Project is envisioned as a safe, supportive, and affordable residential community in Waconia, Minnesota for up to 100 adults with and without DD. The Project is designed for a goal of no less than 80% of the residents to be adults with DD. Adults with DD and residents who live there by their own choice can advise the community’s design and management and may serve on the Resident Advisory Council to help guide operations. The Eva Sophia Project plan is to develop neighborhood comprised of 1-, 2-, and 3-bedroom for-sale cottage-style homes built as independent dwellings, and an additional 10-12 apartments for rent above the community center. The community center would be for programs, clubs, socializing, communal dining; activity areas, and spaces to be used for local Special Olympics teams - such as a basketball court; greenspaces for horticulture; and a variety of amenities that facilitate friendships and well-being.
  • What type of supportive housing will be provided with the Eva Sophia Project Community?
    Eva Sophia Project is planned as a community where residents can feel confident they are safe and have the support they need to live the inclusive and independent lives they desire on their own terms. Based on research and best practices in communities around the country individuals with DD thrive in settings that optimize their individual initiative, autonomy, and independence in making life choices. The model facilitates individual choice regarding services and supports. Residents will choose and self-direct the people who will provide their daily living support paid through their waiver funding or private pay. Resident support with their opportunities to seek employment, engage in community life, control personal resources, and choose their daily schedules is part of the plan. Eva Sophia Project’s staff model is also designed to encourage friendships and socialization, help to organize activities, and help to ensure a safe and well-maintained setting.
  • Will there be limits to the extent of any modifications we may want to make to the interiors of our homes?
    Minor modifications may be permitted without Eva Sophia Project review. Major modifications should require at least a review in advance by Eva Sophia Project. The Project plans to prepare a list of types of modifications that fall into each category with the understanding that Eva Sophia Project will be the final authority on major modifications.
  • Will Eva Sophia Project handle any repairs inside the homes or as the owner am I responsible for that?
    Homeowners are responsible for handling repairs inside their homes. Eva Sophia Project plans to provide Residents with lists of companies in the area that do a range of repairs. Eva Sophia Project also plans to counsel families and Residents to plan for how to pay for repairs including home warranties and insurance. For the rental units, standard maintenance and repairs are planned.
  • Will the Eva Sophia Project provide transportation?
    Residents with their own direct support professionals can be transported in those people’s vehicles to get around the community. Some members of the community may be able to drive as well. Eva Sophia Project may provide some additional transportation, but that has not yet been determined.
  • What social engagement and education options do you plan to offer?
    These future offerings are in the planning stage.
  • Will Eva Sophia Project do the housekeeping or am I responsible for that?
    The Resident, the Resident’s family, and the Resident’s Direct Support Professional (DSP) staff will be responsible for ensuring their unit is properly maintained.
  • Will the homes come fully furnished, partially furnished, or completely unfurnished?
    The plan is to be completely unfurnished, except for the kitchen to be equipped with a refrigerator, range/oven, microwave, and dishwasher. A washer/dryer is also planned for each home.
  • Will there be a washer/dryer in each unit, or central laundry room, or a laundry service?
    A washer/dryer is planned within each home.
  • What will the Community Center have?
    The Community Center plan includes: Basketball Court with a track that goes around it, with lines for a pickleball court Communal dining Conference for family, provider, or other meeting Class/craft rooms Game room - Ping pong, foosball, and possible pool table Music clubs/room - bongo club, ukulele, etc. Other activity spaces to be determined for outside include saltwater exercise/therapy pool, garden area, grilling, butterfly garden
  • What hours will the common spaces be open?
    The expectation is that the common spaces will be open during normal business hours daily.
  • Will the Eva Sophia Project be a residential setting licensed by Minnesota DHS?
    No. The project does not plan to be a residential setting licensed by MN DHS.
  • Will Eva Sophia Project be a vendor with DHS?
    No. The project does not plan to be a provider of services through DHS.
  • When is the opening of the Eva Sophia Project Community planned?
    The opening date will depend on a variety of factors, including finding the right land, obtaining the necessary zoning approvals, fundraising, and availability of construction materials and labor. The vision is to begin moving into the Community sometime in 2028.
  • Where is the planned build for the Eva Sophia Project Community? Does the project have land yet?
    The plan is to build in Waconia, Minnesota. Land has not yet been secured.
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Eva Sophia Project

For more information on how to donate or volunteer.


Phone: Kris @ 612-616-8791

Phone: Holly @ 952-334-5884

The Eva Sophia Project is a nonprofit public charity 501(c)(3) organization incorporated in the state of Minnesota  

EIN: 85-3189170

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